Education Support: Selecting The Right Type For Your Child

Education Support: Selecting The Right Type For Your Child

  • The Lifeline of Child Care Services for Single Parents

    In today’s demanding world, single parents face the monumental task of balancing work, personal commitments and the all-encompassing role of parenting. Child care services emerge as a pivotal support system that not only aids in managing this balance but also significantly benefits the development and well-being of children. Read on to learn more. Providing a Stable Environment High-quality childcare services offer just that—a reliable setting where children can learn, play and grow.

About Me

Education Support: Selecting The Right Type For Your Child

As a parent of five school-aged children who all have different learning styles, I've had to research the variety of options available for providing each child with additional support at various stages of their education. A private tutor might work for kids who respond to logical or verbal learning styles, but not for kids who prefer intrapersonal or kinaesthetic learning styles. I started this blog to share what I've learned from researching and using a variety of education support options within my own family, such as supplementary video courses, group brainstorming sessions, problem solving games and brain training. I hope you find my blog useful.
