Education Support: Selecting The Right Type For Your Child

Education Support: Selecting The Right Type For Your Child

Top Two Questions To Ask When Interviewing Potential Child Care Facilities

by Vera Hart

In modern life, many families need both parents to work to get ahead financially. As a first-time parent who is looking to return to the workforce, you are about to undertake a round of child care facility interviews to try and find the best fit for you and your child. While you have already searched for reviews and done your homework about the facility costs, have you considered what questions you want to ask during the interview? These top two questions will help you to narrow down your search for the perfect place for your treasured child.

Sickness Policy

Once your child heads out of the home and into the child care world, exposure to other's children's germs is unavoidable. This is an unfortunate fact of life, and they could experience a dozen viral illnesses per year during their early years. Since this averages out to a possible viral illness every month, it is important to find out what policy the child care facility has about illness. The questions you should ask include what symptoms trigger a request for you to collect your child, what illnesses preclude a child from going to child care, and also how close the nearest medical facility and hospital are in case of emergencies.

Discipline Policy

Most child care centres have a fairly similar discipline policy set within guidelines determined by the National Quality Framework. It is critical each parent knows what the discipline rules are for two main reasons. Firstly, you want to know what discipline is assigned to each misdemeanour. By knowing the rules, there is no upset or surprise if you receive notification of a child being disciplined. Secondly, you may already have a discipline guideline at home that you want to tweak to follow the same guidelines of the child care facility. By making this change, your child receives a discipline continuity between the two places they will be spending most of their time.

These two questions are just the tip of the iceberg of things you should be asking at the child care facility. From daily nutrition to continuity of child care staff, each parent rates subjects relating to their child's care differently. However, by asking these two top questions, plus taking along a list of your other concerns, you can be sure that once you finish the interview process, you'll have the exact information you need to make the perfect placement choice for your child.


About Me

Education Support: Selecting The Right Type For Your Child

As a parent of five school-aged children who all have different learning styles, I've had to research the variety of options available for providing each child with additional support at various stages of their education. A private tutor might work for kids who respond to logical or verbal learning styles, but not for kids who prefer intrapersonal or kinaesthetic learning styles. I started this blog to share what I've learned from researching and using a variety of education support options within my own family, such as supplementary video courses, group brainstorming sessions, problem solving games and brain training. I hope you find my blog useful.
